SPROMISE Technology understands a reliable information backed with High Definition photos/videos are key to quality Fauna Surveys or research. Spromise Technology is dedicated to building cameras that provide the best possible information with the least impact on a research subject or the group undertaking. Our high-quality cellular 4G trail cameras give you remote access, so you and your team can see exactly what your subject is doing in real-time - no need to wait days or weeks to find out if that critical image has been taken.

Advancements in technology continue to make university / landcare group's lives easier through the creation of smart tech solutions that can save the researchers copious amounts of time and energy while protecting live livelihood of the research subjects(live stock or Organism)

We do have significant experience in working with national universities across all States in Australia, contact us for a reference check or more info on how the cameras are setup by other university researchers at sales@spromise.com.au


Spromise camera is designed for the following usages:

  • Anti Crime Activities alerts
  • Warehouse/Storage/Farm Area Surveillance
  • Home/Property Security
  • Farm Gates or Driveways
  • Search for Big Cat or Bigfoot Evidence
  • Hunting
  • Remote Crop and live Stocks Surveillance
  • Fauna Surveys
  • Live Stocks Surveys and Surveillance
  • Time-lapse photos and relays back to FTP(S) server, email, and mobile repositories. 
  •  This is very useful when observing plants flowering, birds building nests or when monitoring unattended properties such as parking lots or construction sites - your house being built