Over the years, Spromise Technology has made our cameras easier to use for all consumers, as much as they are industry leader in most reliable and most powerful, to get the reputation for the best of the best, we have also focus on how intuitive the buttons and setting on the cameras are, on this page you will find some helpful tips on how to setup our 4G cameras, if you still have questions please reach out to us at info@spromise.com.au


Remote commands via Mobile App

  • Ask picture
  • Change PIR settings
  • Operating mode Still/Video
  • Change send mone
  • Change send via (GPRS or MMS)
  • Ask status: GSM signal strength, battery level and memory card status
  • Add / remove phone number
  • Add / remove email
  • Shut down remote control
  • Format memory card


Configuration Software for PC only.
Software to configure camera manually