When it comes to hunting, SPROMISE understand, the camera must be born and bred to meet the needs of outdoorsmen especially in extreme condition like in Australia, SPROMISE Camera strives to provide the ultimate in ease of access, durability, and powerful features for all of its camera lines. When used for hunting or game management, our cameras are truly in their element.

Our cameras are ideal for monitoring the movement of game without contaminating the area with scent. With our industry-leading cellular cameras, you can get photos and videos of what is happening in real-time sent directly to your smart device or email or even to FTP(s) server. Camera settings can be changed directly from your smartphone via the app or web portal, eliminating the need to disturb the area just to change a setting.

Spromise camera is designed for the following usages:

  • Anti Crime Activities alerts
  • Warehouse/Storage/Farm Area Surveillance
  • Home/Property Security
  • Farm Gates or Driveways
  • Search for Big Cat or Bigfoot Evidence
  • Hunting
  • Remote Crop and live Stocks Surveillance
  • Fauna Surveys
  • Live Stocks Surveys and Surveillance
  • Time-lapse photos and relays back to FTP(S) server, email, and mobile repositories. 
  •  This is very useful when observing plants flowering, birds building nests or when monitoring unattended properties such as parking lots or construction sites - your house being built